News — dopamine dressing

Cool vs Warm colours

Cool vs Warm colours

Cool colours vs warm colours I know that a lot of people believe in ‘seasonal colour analysis’ … but really, I believe more in WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD !I love cool colours - they just make me feel good, and they compliment the rest of the clothes I wear. Some colours have a warm and cool version - for example, you can have a cool green (that is more blue based) or a warm green (more yellow based). I find Olive Green to be warmer than the Emerald Green.How about you? What are you more drawn to? Let me know...

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Authentic style

Authentic style

Y’know, I get a LOT of comments about my own personal style … and not always good ones, haha! Though as I am getting older, people are generally more supportive ;)Regardless of what you think of my personal style, I always dress authentically ME! I choose clothing and accessories that make me feel more myself, if that makes sense?Yes, I could choose clothes that are more ‘flattering’, but what’s the point of that if they don’t make me FEEL like me? I prefer to wear what I like so that I feel good!So I will be talking more about this...

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What colour is next?

What colour is next?

Ssssoooo … what colour is next?What’s your favourite colour? Leave me a comment and let me know!

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Weaving Plum Dapper scarves

Weaving Plum Dapper scarves

I’m on a roll!I have 7 weeks until the Bowerbird Market!! So my priority is restocking all my sold-out colourways, starting with the Dappers :)I need to sew up the Olive Dappers, but today the Plum Dappers came off the loom - woohoooo!I’ll let you know when they are up on the website, but put 5 - 7 May in your calender if you’d rather buy them in person!You can find the entire range on my website :D

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