News — style over fashion
Purple Cravat

So what is a weaver’s favourite scarf?I have to confess, while I love a classic double-wrapped scarf, my go-tos are usually my Cravats!I love to wear a Cravat under a jacket - it gives a pop of colour under a black coat, and also looks great with a jumper or shirt.My favourite at the moment is the Liquorice Allsort cravat, although this Purple one is also totally delicious. I think I need to make myself one, to be honest :D
New scarves at The Jam Factory

Mustard / Dusty Pink Vintage weave!I had a request to make a couple more of these for The Jam Factory, and I had forgotten how much I love this weave structure!For the weaving nerds out there, it’s a 4 shaft M & W draft. It’s strange how light the mustard looks against the oatmeal and dusty pink warp - it looks much darker against my usual black warp ;)Head over to the Jam Factory in the city if you want one … saying that, I think I’ll need to make more in this design again!
Weaving more Liquorice Allsorts scarves!

And we’re away!You saw the loom setup, next is the actual weaving process …I’m making a warp full of Liquorice Allsorts scarves, so it’s a lot of fun changing colours every now and then, and making colour decisions as I go. It’s a very ‘free and easy’ way to weave, and I’m loving it :DEvery Liquorice Allsort is one-of-a-kind, so you will never have the same one as anyone else!These are going to Fleurieu Arthouse, but I have created a ‘Made to Order’ listing, as I have had a few queries about this one … and they sold out pretty...
Nell x Wah Wah x MONA jumper!

Wear what makes you feel good!And when your favourite artist releases a jumper with Wah Wah Australia, well ... I just had to get it!
What I do for fun!

I was asked last week what I did for fun …And this was my answer :DYeah, if I had my own way, I would be handweaving and tapestry weaving 24 hours a day!!How about you - what is your idea of FUN? Comment below!