News — threefold
Last day to get 20% off artworks!

TODAY IS THE LAST DAY! Get shopping over HERE!
2 days to go! 20% of Summer Solstice artworks!

This discount finishes end of tomorrow (14 February)! If you are looking for a unique artwork, this is your sign :)
Summer Solstice Collection 20% off until 14 Feb!

There are 3 remaining tapestries left for sale in my Summer Solstice Collection!Parrot Skull Road Trip: The Murray Bridge Bunyip Queer
Solo exhibition at Flinders Medical Centre

Heeeey, my solo exhibition ‘Acknowledge’ is now open at Flinders Medical Centre!This is an exhibition of works that have been influenced or made with x-rays - you know, I have a bit of an obsession :DAppropriately, it is on either side of the Medical Imaging area!Massive thanks to Brigid, Grace, Naomi and Claire - you all do a great job, and bring art and culture to people in a place that is sometimes confronting to visit. I love the blending of both physical and mental wellness that the Arts in Health program provides.My exhibition is up until the end of...
Candle care tips!

How do you care for your soy candles?Well, this is the post for you! I have formulated my candles so they burn for at least 35 hours, but you can get even more time out of your candle by following these tips.Save this website link, as they are applicable for all your candles: Soy Candle CareLet me know if you have any of your own tips and tricks!