News — art exhibition
Summer Solstice Collection

S U M M E R S O L S T I C E C O L L E C T I O N 2 0 2 3I’ve decided to work towards releasing a collection of works every 6 months, instead of adding pieces to my website as soon as they have been completed.Sign up to my mailing list HERE so I can tell you first!There will be a discount for all new works for a limited period of time, so you don’t want to miss out!

Next in line for ‘this idea is either dumb or genius’: I present to you: "Queeriosities" 🌈!OK, so I had this fabric that I had woven, and I wanted to have another go making a sculpture, after the lols of the giant scrunchie ;)So what the hell are they? They are representations of me! Queer, weird, neurodiverse, misfit, flamboyant, and pretty silly. But they are also you! Each piece stands tall like a totem pole, representing the strength and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community, allies, and all my fellow weirdos and misfits 🗿🌈Now I just have to figure out how...
Queeriosities in The Haunting exhibition

Here they are - I brought them into the gallery on the weekend, and the general consensus was to lean them against the wall!Also, everyone who entered my studio laughed at them … so I consider that a WIN!We have a group exhibition called ‘The Haunting: 5 Years of Collective Haunt’ - I’d love to see you there, the exhibition is on until 15 July :)Bringing together studio artists from Collective Haunt, as well as some of our friends, it is a great exhibition, intended as a one-stop-shop for all your art shopping needs :DYou’ll find my Queeriosities for sale there,...
'A Conflict Of Green' exhibition

‘Resuscitate No. 5 (monstera deliciosa)’This piece is part of an amazing exhibition at Wonderground Gallery in the Barossa called ‘A Conflict Of Green’, curated by the amazing Sonya Unwin.The exhibition brings together 20 artists from South Australia and Victoria, showcasing a diverse range of styles and mediums.It’s on until 9 July, 2023 :)
Mr Moon is on the loom!

I’m experimenting with smaller tapestries in the ‘Road Trip’ series, and although Luna Park in Melbourne is not * technically * one of the ‘Big Things’, I am fascinated by how creepy he is.And yeah, I definitely have to do the changing faces of the Sydney one too !This is one of those tapestries that are not making sense right now, but I’m sure it will all pull together soon!!