News — lgbt

Perfectionism part 2

Perfectionism part 2

Perfectionism, part 2 …In my last video, I was talking about perfectionism, and how tapestry weaving is a perfectionist’s nightmare.Well, in contrast, handweaving demands perfectionism!If the loom is warped up incorrectly, even if you miss one single thread … the whole pattern will be thrown out, and fixing it takes nearly as long as warping up the whole loom all over again :OWhen actually weaving, one pass in the wrong shaft combination will also result in the pattern being incorrect, so it needs to be unpulled and corrected.Handweaving is very mathematical, logical, and process-driven.Which is why I love it!Maybe that’s...

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Perfectionism part 1

Perfectionism part 1

I was listening to a podcast about perfectionism the other day.Yes, I am totally a perfectionist … though it’s probably part of my neurodiversity, but I am very well aware that I have obsessive tendencies, and need everything to be ‘just so’ before I can let go of them. Yes, I am that person who cannot work in a messy room, and lines up items in a certain way ;)So why the hell did I choose tapestry as my medium? Tapestry is a perfectionist’s nightmare. When I started, I was told that ‘you have to be doing tapestry for at least...

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Weave with me!

OK, the second Bunyip is nearly there … just weaving those eyes!It’s been so fun working on this one again, but I just remembered how challenging it is ...Luckily, I have a lot of lovely black background to weave too, which is so so fun :D

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Cutting Mr Moon off the loom!

Cutting Mr Moon off the loom!

Woohoo, excited to have cut this one off the loom!That same day, I warped up my loom for the next one ... stay tuned!

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Next in line for ‘this idea is either dumb or genius’: I present to you: "Queeriosities" 🌈!OK, so I had this fabric that I had woven, and I wanted to have another go making a sculpture, after the lols of the giant scrunchie ;)So what the hell are they? They are representations of me! Queer, weird, neurodiverse, misfit, flamboyant, and pretty silly. But they are also you! Each piece stands tall like a totem pole, representing the strength and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community, allies, and all my fellow weirdos and misfits 🗿🌈Now I just have to figure out how...

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